wide open / ˈwaɪdˈoʊ pən /


wide open 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. opened to the full extent: a wide-open window.
  2. lacking laws or strict enforcement of laws concerning liquor, vice, gambling, etc.: a wide-open town.

wide open 近义词

wide open

等同于 incautious

wide open

等同于 limitless

wide open

等同于 risky

wide open

等同于 susceptible

wide open

等同于 unarmed

wide open

等同于 unlimited

wide open

等同于 unprotected

wide open

等同于 vulnerable

wide open

等同于 weak

wide open

等同于 boundless

wide open

等同于 wide-open

wide open

等同于 pregnable

wide open

等同于 vincible

wide open

等同于 corrupt

wide open

等同于 defenseless

wide open

等同于 foolhardy

wide open

等同于 flat out

wide open

等同于 flat-out

更多wide open例句

  1. The email appears to have been a relatively common attempt to gain personal information from a wide range of unwitting victims.
  2. When it became too crowded, they moved her into an open casket on the street.
  3. Sprawled on chaise lounges with their knees high in the air and their legs spread wide.
  4. Now it can't open on my phone due to what appears to be software incompatibility.
  5. Some of them would open up deep splits in core Democratic constituencies.
  6. Then there was Wee Wo,—he was a little Chinese chap, and we used to send him down the chimneys to open front doors for us.
  7. In cross-section the burrows varied from round (three inches in diameter) to oval (three inches high and four inches wide).
  8. Let them open their minds to us, let them put upon permanent record the significance of all their intrigues and manœuvres.
  9. Her eyes, for a moment, fixed themselves with a horrid conviction of a wide and nameless treachery.
  10. The doors (Indian bungalows have hardly any windows, each door being half glass) were open front and back.